17 YouTube Challenges for Couples to Spice Up Your Relationship 2024

Youtube Challenges for Couples

Do you and your partner love watching YouTube videos? Do you like to try new and exciting challenges together? If so, then you’ll love this list of 17+ Youtube video ideas for couples challenges! These challenges are a great way to spice up your relationship and have some fun! We hope you enjoy trying them out!

Youtube challenges for couples can be a great way to add some fun and excitement to your relationship.

They can also be a great way to bond with your partner and create lasting memories together. Whether you’re looking for something challenging or just something fun, these youtube challenges are sure to fit the bill.

17 YouTube Challenges for Couples

YouTube challenges for couples can help bring some spice into your relationship while having fun and spending quality time together. It can be difficult to come up with new ideas, so we’ve done the hard work for you!

1. The Lip Sync Challenge

This challenge is all about lip-syncing to popular songs. You and your partner can take turns singing along to the lyrics, or you can both sing together. Be sure to put your spin on it and have fun with it!

Here are some tips for how to make the most of this challenge:

– Choose a song that you both know and love

– Get into character and sell the performance

– Have fun with it and don’t take it too seriously!

This is a great challenge for couples who are musical or enjoy performing. It’s also a great way to let loose and have some fun together.

2. The Whisper Challenge

This challenge is all about communicating without being able to speak. One person whispers something into the other person’s ear, and then they have to try to guess what it is that was said. This can be a difficult challenge, but it’s also a lot of fun!

Here are some tips for how to make the most of this challenge:

– Make sure you’re both on the same page before starting

– Be clear and concise when whispering

– Try to read your partner’s body language for clues

This is a great challenge for couples who are good at communicating. It can also be a lot of fun to try to guess what the other person is saying.

3. The Blindfold Challenge

This challenge is all about trust. One person is blindfolded and the other has to guide them through a series of tasks. This can be a difficult challenge, but it’s also a great way to build trust in your relationship.


– Be clear and concise when giving directions

– Take it slow and don’t try to rush through the tasks

– Be patient and understanding if things go wrong

This is a great challenge for couples who are looking to build trust in their relationship. It can also be a lot of fun to try to complete the tasks.

4. The Scavenger Hunt Challenge

This challenge is all about finding things. You and your partner will need to find a list of items that are hidden around the house or in a specified area. This can be a difficult challenge, but it’s also a great way to bond with your partner.

Here are some tips:

– Be clear about what items need to be found

– Try to work together as a team to find the items

– Take your time and don’t rush through the challenge

This is a great challenge for couples who are looking to bond with each other. It can also be a lot of fun to try to find hidden items.

5. The Balloon Drop Challenge

This challenge is all about timing. You and your partner will need to drop a balloon filled with water from a specified height. The goal is to try to time it so that the balloon breaks when it hits the ground. This can be a difficult challenge, but it’s also a great way to test your coordination.


– Be clear about what the goal is

– Try to drop the balloon from the same height each time

– Work as a team to coordinate your drops

This is a great challenge for couples who are looking to test their coordination. It can also be a lot of fun to try to drop the balloon at the right time.

6. The Marshmallow Challenge

This challenge is all about teamwork. You and your partner will need to work together to build the tallest structure possible out of marshmallows and toothpicks. This can be a difficult challenge, but it’s also a great way to test your teamwork skills.

Here are some tips:

– Be clear about what the goal is

– Try to work together as a team to build the structure

– Take your time and don’t rush through the challenge

This is a great challenge for couples who are looking to test their teamwork skills. It can also be a lot of fun to try to build the tallest structure possible.

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7. The Jenga Challenge

This challenge is all about patience. You and your partner will need to take turns removing blocks from a Jenga tower. The goal is to try to keep the tower from falling for as long as possible. This can be a difficult challenge, but it’s also a great way to test your patience.

Here are some tips:

– Start with smaller towers. You can always build up to taller ones.

-Remove blocks from the middle or bottom of the tower. Avoid taking them from the top.

-Try to keep your hand steady as you remove the blocks.

-Focus on the game and don’t get frustrated.

The Jenga Challenge is a great way to test your patience as a couple. It can be difficult, but it’s also a great way to have some fun.

8. The Balloon Pass Challenge

This challenge is all about communication. You and your partner will need to pass a balloon back and forth between you. The only rule is that you can’t use your hands, which means you’ll have to get creative. This challenge is a great way to test your communication skills as a couple.

To make things more interesting, you can add a twist to the challenge by blindfolding one or both partners. This will make the challenge even more difficult and test your communication skills.


– Make sure you have a few balloons on hand in case one pops.

– You can also use this challenge as an opportunity to learn more about your partner. For example, you can ask them questions about their day while you’re passing the balloon back and forth.

9. The Egg Drop Challenge

This challenge is all about teamwork. You and your partner will need to work together to build a structure that can protect an egg from a high fall. This is a great way to test your communication skills and see how well you work together as a team.


-Use straws, toothpicks, and other household items to build your structure.

-You can drop the egg from a chair, stool, or table.

-The egg can be hard-boiled or raw.

10. The Cookie Challenge

This challenge is all about self-control. You and your partner will need to eat a cookie without using your hands. This might sound easy but it’s harder than you think. The person who eats the most cookies in a minute wins.

Some Tips:

– Use a small cookie so you can fit more in your mouth

– Dip the cookie in milk to make it softer and easier to eat

– Eat the cookie in small bites

This challenge is a great way to test your self-control. It’s also a lot of fun to see how many cookies you can eat in

11. The Balance Challenge

This challenge is all about balance. You and your partner will need to balance on one foot for as long as possible. This is a great way to test your coordination and balance.


– Have something to support you if you start to lose your balance.

– Try to keep your body as still as possible.

12. Try Not to Laugh Challenge

This one is a classic and a must-try for couples. The Try Not To Laugh Challenge is simple: watch funny videos together and try not to laugh. Whoever laughs first, loses. You can find plenty of compilations on YouTube specifically for this challenge. This is a great way to test how well you know each other and see how much you can make each other laugh.


-Make sure to choose videos that are appropriate for both you and your partner.

-If one person is struggling not to laugh, the other can help by giving them a massage or tickling them.

-Take breaks in between videos if you need to.

13. What’s in my mouth challenge

This challenge is great for couples who like to have a little bit of fun with their food. The premise is simple: one person puts a food item in their mouth, and the other person has to guess what it is. This can be a fun way to get your partner to try new things, and it can also be a way to share some of your favorite foods with them.


– Make sure you’re both comfortable with the challenge before you start.

– Try to use a variety of different foods, so it doesn’t get too repetitive.

– Be prepared to get a little messy!

14. Dress Up Challenge

This youtube challenge is all about dressing up your partner in the clothes you think they should wear! It’s a great way to have some fun with your partner and get their opinion on your fashion sense!


– Make sure you have a good selection of clothes to choose from!

– Take your time and have fun with it!

– Be sure to film your reaction when you see your partner in their new outfit!

15. Do It Yourself Challenge

This is the challenge for all those couples out there who are always looking for new and creative ways to spend time together. The do-it-yourself challenge is simple, each person comes up with an activity or project that the other has to complete.

It can be something as small as painting a picture or building a piece of furniture. The key is to make sure it is something that you are both interested in and will have fun doing it.


– Make sure the activity is something that you are both interested in.

– Take turns coming up with the project.

– Make sure to set a time limit so it doesn’t take over your whole day.

16. Staring challenge

Staring into the eyes of each other for three minutes may not sound like much fun, but it is a very intimate experience. It will help you to feel more connected to your partner and understand them on a deeper level.


-Set a timer for three minutes and start staring into each other’s eyes.

-Try not to blink or look away during the challenge.

-You can talk to each other if you feel comfortable doing so.

-Try to maintain eye contact for the entire three minutes.

17. Tell each other three things

Tell each other three things you’re grateful for about the other person. This challenge is a great way to start your day with some positivity and love! Plus, it’ll allow you to learn more about what makes your partner tick.


– If you’re feeling stuck, try thinking about things like your partner’s smile, sense of humor, or the way they make you feel.

– Don’t forget to listen to your partner’s responses carefully!

These are some trending and most-watched Youtube challenges for couples. Below we mentioned some other great challenges to try out.

  • Get ready together in the morning
  • Have a pillow fight
  • Do something that scares you together
  • Volunteer together
  • Go on a double date with another couple
  • Play tourist and walk around your own city/town
  • Cook dinner for each other (and light candles, play music, etc.)
  • Create a time capsule
  • Do a social media detox for 24 hours
  • Write love letters to each other
  • Try out a new recipe together
  • Have a dance party in your living room
  • Make a home movie
  • Take turns giving each other massages
  • Have a picnic in your backyard or at a nearby park

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What is the best challenge for couples?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best challenge for couples will vary depending on the couple’s individual preferences. However, some popular challenges for couples include the youtube challenges mentioned above, as well as getting ready together in the morning, volunteering together, or going on a double date with another couple.

What challenges should I give to my girlfriend?

If you’re looking for ideas on what challenge to give to your girlfriend, try thinking about her interests and passions. For example, if she loves fashion, you could challenge her to style you in a new outfit. If she’s a foodie, you could challenge her to cook you dinner. Whatever you choose, make sure it is something that you know she will enjoy!

What is the most popular youtube challenge for couples?

The most popular youtube challenge for couples is the “Dress-Up Challenge”, where each person dresses up their partner in the clothes they think they should wear. This challenge is a great way to have some fun with your partner and get their opinion on your fashion sense!

What are dare tasks for your boyfriend?

Similar to the advice for choosing a challenge for your girlfriend, when selecting dare tasks for your boyfriend, try to think about his interests and passions. For instance, if he loves sports, you could dare him to try a new sport. If he’s a foodie, you could dare him to cook you dinner. Whatever you choose, make sure it is something that you know he will enjoy!


We hope you enjoyed this list of youtube challenges for couples! These challenges are a great way to add some fun and excitement to your relationship.

They can also be a great way to bond with your partner and create lasting memories together. Whether you’re looking for a new way to connect with your partner or just want to have some fun, youtube challenges are the perfect solution!

Thanks for reading and we hope you have a great day!

Amol Wabale

A keen observer sharing practical wisdom to help simplify meaningful living through vloggerzone.com. As an author and content creator, I distill life's complexities into accessible insights through writing that informs, inspires, and empowers everyday happiness.

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